# whether or not to actually allow mail to be sent -- for testing purposes
$active = 1;
# Logging flag. Logs on POST method when mail is sent.
$logging = 1;
$logfile = '/server/logs/mailto_log';
# Physical script location. Define ONLY if you wish to make your version
# of this source code available with GET method and the suffix '?source'
# on the url.
$script_loc = '/home/scsfac/downeyt/public/sscripts/mailto.pl';
# physical location of your cgi-lib.pl
$cgi_lib = '/depot/perl-5.005/lib/cgi-lib.pl';
# http script location
$script_http = 'http://mongoose.aul.fiu.edu:12345/scripts/mailto.pl';
# Path to sendmail and its flags. Use the first commented version and
# define $listserver = 1if you want the gateway to be used for listserver
# subscriptions -- the -f switch might be neccesary to get this to work
# correctly.
# sendmail options:
# -n no aliasing
# -t read message for "To:"
# -oi don't terminate message on line containing '.' alone
#$sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t -n -oi -f"; $listserver = 1;
$sendmail = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t -n -oi";
# set to 1 if you want the real addresses to be exposed from %addrs
#$expose_address = 1;
# Uncomment one of the below chunks of code to implement restricted mail
# List of address to allow ONLY - gets put in a HTML SELECT type menu.
#%addrs = ("Doug - main address", "doug+@osu.edu",
# "Doug at BPRC", "doug@polarmet1.mps.ohio-state.edu",
# "Doug at CIS", "stevenso@cis.ohio-state.edu",
# "Doug at the calc lab", "dstevens@mathserver.mps.ohio-state.edu",
# "Doug at Magnus", "dmsteven@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu");
# If you don't want the actual mail addresses to be visible by people
# who view source, or you don't want to mess with the source, read them
# from $mailto_addrs:
#$mailto_addrs = '/usr/local/WWW/etc/mailto_addrs';
#while( The To: field should contain the full E-mail address
that you want to mail to. The Your Email: field needs to
contain your mail address so replies go to the right place. Type your
message into the text area below. If the To: field is invalid,
or the mail bounces for some reason, you will receive notification
if Your Email: is set correctly. If Your Email:
is set incorrectly, all bounced mail will be sent to the bit bucket.
The WWW Mail Gateway $version