CDA4101 Section 01
Structured Computer Organization
Fall 2014
Phone: (305) 348-3329 (FIU-D-DAY)
Regular mail: My mailbox is in the ECS building, 3rd floor, Computer Science,
room 354
At Least Four Extra Credit Assignments |
Weight |
One point of extra credit each (possibly more) |
Four Homework Assignments |
Weight |
12.5 points each |
Four Exams |
Weight |
40 points each |
Grading Scale |
The grade for the course will based on the following scale. The
scale is based on the sum of your scores on the tests, homework and extra
credit. |
Scale |
A: 189; A-: 180.5; B+: 172; B: 163.5; B-: 155; C+: 146.5; C: 138;
C-: 129.5; D+: 121; D: 112.5; D-: 104 |
Text |
Structured Computer Organization, 6/E
Tannenbaum, Andrew S.
ISBN-10: 0132916525; ISBN-13: 9780132916523
Room and Time |
ECS 136 MW 5:00 - 6:15pm |
Attendance I recommend that you attend every class. Those who attend class
have a better chance of passing the course.
Prerequisites MAD 2104, CDA 3103, COP 3337
Late Assignment Policy Assignments are due at the START of class. You lose 1
point off the grade for every 6 hours. You may hand in a nassignment up to 1 week late,
I will start the grading for very late assignments at 12 points (60%).
Working Together on Assignments is NOT ALLOWED. There is a large difference between discussing general
aspects of the course and discussing specific aspects of an assignment. Do not discuss
your solution of a problem with others. Assignments that are too similar will not be
graded. With a second occurrence, you will earn an F in the course.
Course Content
- Review: Multilevel Computers
- The Digital Logic Level
- The Microarchitecture Level
- The Instruction Set Architecture Level
- The Operating System Level
- The Assembly Language Level
- Computer Families
- Pentium II
- picoJava II
- Organization
- Processors
- Instruction-level parallelism
- Processor-level parallelism
- Array Computers
- Vector
- Multiprocessors
- Multicomputers
- The Digital Logic
- Level Gates and Boolean Algebra
- Basic Digital Logic
- Circuits
- Memory
- CPU Chips
- Buses
- I/O Chips
- The Microprogramming Level
- An Example Microarchitecture
- An Example Macroarchitecture (ISA)
- An Example Microcode
- Design of the Microarchitecture Level
- Improving Performance
- Examples of the Microarchitecture Level
- Machine Level
- Assembly Level
- Multicomputers
- Shared-memory
- Message-passing
- Cache-coherence
- Parallel computers
Course Objectives
- Be exposed to the hierarchy of virtual machines in a computer system
- Be familiar with the CPU instruction execution cycle
- Master the design of memory, ALU, control unit, and design of microprogram
- Be familiar with cache architectures, branch predictions and scheduling of
multiple instruction issue
- Be familiar with instruction set architecture, interrupts, and traps
- Be familiar with CISC and RISC architectures, and parallel computer
- Be exposed to shared-memory and message-passing multicomputers, and cache
coherence protocols